Danny's Blog

Catch up It's been ages since I last wrote to you all. I've been busy making friends and getting older (and sometimes even wiser. Ed.). I have lots and lots of friends now. We have a party every week. There's a kind lady in the village who lets us use one of her fields. The small dogs have their own party first, then it's us big ones. We have a wonderful time galloping about and playing chase and...

I think I have lots of friends. Humans are the best sort of friends to have 'cos they sometimes have nice things to eat. They don't seem to mind giving bits away. That's very odd if you think about it. I've got loads of doggie friends but they'd never give me any food, and I wouldn't expect them to. I'd never give them any of mine either. They have nice smelly bottoms though. Horse doesn't give me...

Mr reminded me that I haven't told you about this yet. So here goes.I have a lovely blanket that I used to sleep on. I still do sometimes, if they put it on the sofa. When I first came here I wasn't used to sleeping alone and I cried a lot if they left me. Well, it was a strange place. In the end they made me a bed on the sofa, and Mr sleeps next to me 'cos the rest of the sofa makes a human bed. ...

I made a new friend today. We were heading home and I ran ahead like usual to get to the gate first. That way I often get a treat, though sometimes I have to wait ages – my human is so slow. But on this day there was this enormous beast staring at me over the fence so I just stood and stared right back. I could just remember seeing beasts like this when I was a pup, but I've never been so close to...

28/10 Have you ever rolled in fox poo? I have. I found some the other day. What a wonderful smell! If the humans would only have the sense to bottle it, it would make a fortune. Probably become the latest fashion.Sadly, mine don't seem to like it. At first I couldn't understand. They wouldn't let me back in the house. That got me a bit worried, 'cos as you know I haven't been here long, and I like...