Catch up

Catch up

It's been ages since I last wrote to you all. I've been busy making friends and getting older (and sometimes even wiser. Ed.). I have lots and lots of friends now. We have a party every week. There's a kind lady in the village who lets us use one of her fields. The small dogs have their own party first, then it's us big ones. We have a wonderful time galloping about and playing chase and sniffing bottoms. There's a young beagle I chase everywhere and he never gets tired before I do. Still, I can turn circles on the spot faster than any of them.

I got some lovely presents for Christmas, but I ate most of them. Here's a picture of me with my favourite before I ate most of it.

Blanket is still my best friend though. I take him everywhere. I've even got the man to understand that take blanket to him, or sometimes one of my other toys, it's because I've decided it's time to take him for his walk.

Then there are birds. I've changed my mind about them. I used to think they were friends, but now I'm not so sure. There are some great big ones that float about above the fields making funny noises. I think they're vultures, though the man say they're buzzards. I don't take any chances. As soon as I spot one I chase it away. They're not going to try to come and peck me, I can tell you.

I practise on the little ones. As soon as I go out in the morning I rush around and bark at them all till they fly away. There's a fat little one with lots of red feathers that seems to think it owns the garden, so I have to make sure that it knows it doesn't – I do. I jumped into a bush after it last week. That scared it off, I can tell you. Mind you, I got a few scratches so I'm not quite sure it was a good idea, and the fat little beast was back the next day.

I sleep on my own now, and I let the humans out by themselves sometimes. I don't know where they go but they always give me a Bonio and I quite enjoy the peace and quiet till they come back.

A few weeks ago they were gone for ages. I got to stay with my Auntie Liz, though, so I didn't need to worry about them. In the end it was nice to see them again
(A whole week later and his Auntie Liz still thinks he's a lovely dog. Amazing. Ed). Now I'm back with all the smells that I know.

Love and wet paws


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