
I think I have lots of friends. Humans are the best sort of friends to have 'cos they sometimes have nice things to eat. They don't seem to mind giving bits away. That's very odd if you think about it. I've got loads of doggie friends but they'd never give me any food, and I wouldn't expect them to. I'd never give them any of mine either. They have nice smelly bottoms though. Horse doesn't give me any of his either, but then he mainly eats grass. He says he sometimes gets given other stuff as well, like oats, and bran mash but I don't know what those are and I might not like them. (Since you eat everything else, including paper, cloth, lettuce, coal and more or less anything you can get your paws on, I be willing to bet you'd have a go at oats and bran mash too. Ed.)

I don't have any sheep friends, or cow friends, at least, not yet, and I wouldn't want to be friends with crocodiles or camels. Or snakes. I'd like to have bird friends. They might teach me to fly, but they always fly away when I run up to them to talk. Maybe they don't like dogs, I certainly don't have any cat friends. One of these days I'll get the one that likes to walk along the fence at the back of the house but so far it always sees me coming and runs off. Some of my dog friends try to tell me that all cats aren't bad, and they have one at home that they like a lot. All I can say is that I haven't met one yet. I'll tell you if I do.

Here's some pictures of me with me new Best Friend. Her Mummy and Daddy said I could show you her picture.

We had lots of cuddles. I hope she comes to see me again soon.

High paws,
Danny (aka Stinky)


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