
I made a new friend today. We were heading home and I ran ahead like usual to get to the gate first. That way I often get a treat, though sometimes I have to wait ages – my human is so slow. But on this day there was this enormous beast staring at me over the fence so I just stood and stared right back. I could just remember seeing beasts like this when I was a pup, but I've never been so close to one before. There was a fence between us so I wasn't nearly as scared as I might have been.

When my human arrived he sniffed at the beast. Imagine! I didn't realise humans could do that, but they were nose to nose. The beast seemed to like someone blowing in its face. Anyway, I got a bit bothered about all this lovey-dovey stuff going on without me, so I barked (Jealous? - Ed). They both jumped. He told me not to be silly. (He's always saying that. I don't pay a lot of attention (Agreed - Ed)). He said it was called Horse, and I didn't need to be scared. Ha! That might be alright for him, but when anything is that much bigger than you it's just silly not to bark at it.

Then he went back to the house and got an apple for Horse. I ask you! A whole apple! He never gives me a whole apple, only the bit that's left over when he's finished with it. Anyway, Horse didn't seem to know what it was and snuffled at it for a bit, so then I got given half – scrummy! Horse was watching and got the idea, so then it ate the other half. He said (my human, not Horse) maybe a carrot next time, or a Polo, but I don't know what those are. But if Horse eats one, I'll probably try some as well (You should be so lucky - Ed). After that he went back into the house, but I stayed talking to Horse for a bit. He really was kind and gentle, which was a lesson for me.

So I learned that even big beasts can be kind, not like camels, which smell horrible and are bad tempered and not at all nice. Or crocodiles. They eat you.

Love and high paws,



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