My Blanket
Mr reminded me that I haven't told you about this yet. So here goes.
I have a lovely blanket that I used to sleep on. I still do sometimes, if they put it on the sofa. When I first came here I wasn't used to sleeping alone and I cried a lot if they left me. Well, it was a strange place. In the end they made me a bed on the sofa, and Mr sleeps next to me 'cos the rest of the sofa makes a human bed. I'd be OK on my own now, but the sofa is very comfortable and I can pretend I'm guarding Mr, so I don't let on (and to be fair, you don't stir all night. Ed.)
I'm very good at guarding. The other night I went out with Mrs and there were funny lights in the sky and a lot of bangs. She got terribly worried. I could tell. She kept looking at me and talking. So I barked at the noises to show her not to be scared. I must have scared them away 'cos they stopped and she seemed to be alright after that. She told me how brave I was (I think).
Anyway, my blanket. One morning I woke up and it was all wrapped round me like it had been trying to suffocate me in the night. I gave it a good shake, and before I knew where it was it had wrapped itself round my head as well. That was a bit scary 'cos I couldn't see any more, and the more I rolled round and tried to fight it with my paws the more it wrapped itself round me.
I wriggled and wriggled and batted it with my paws and any bits I could get hold of with my teeth, and in the end I won. It was quite a fight. (Dangerous things, blankets. Not to be trusted. Ed.)
I didn't know blankets would attack you like that. Now I give it a good shaking every night to keep it quiet. It hasn't tried that trick again.
Love and licks,