This is me
Hi. I'm Danny. At least, I think I am. I used to be called something else, but I can't remember what. If my people get cross, like when I've found something really interesting to chew, they call me other things but I don't understand those names. Anyway, I've discovered that if I stop what I'm doing, I get a treat. It's a funny way to behave, one minute cross and the next giving you nice stuff to eat, but they're only poor two-legged things so you have to be kind. I'm never naughty on purpose anyway, but sometimes I get a bit carried away (that's your excuse - Ed).
I'm 2 years old. At least, I think I am. I used to be younger but I can't remember a lot about that. It was very hot, not like this at all. I mean, there aren't any camels here – at least, I haven't seen any – though at first I thought that the funny woolly things in the fields were baby camels. Now I know better. They're called sheep, and you're not supposed to chase them. At least I think that's what the man said. He got very stern and said nononono (I know that word). I tried to tell him I wasn't going to anyway, 'cos you never know with strange animals. They might chase you back and bite you. But it's hard talking to humans. I don't think they understand a word we say.
On my first day here they took me for a walk (that's when I met the sheep). They kept me on a lead in case I ran away, being in a strange country and all. The lead was quite long though, so I could run around a bit. There weren't any smelly cars and things, and and no sand at all. It was strange. Soft on the paws. We went to a river (a very small brook at the bottom of a field – Ed.). I could hear the water and smell it from a long way away and I was a bit scared in case of crocodiles. But there weren't any that day. Now I've got braver (5 weeks later – Ed.). The water is nice to drink, but a bit cold. I don't think they can have crocodiles here. They'd never fit in rivers that small.
Maybe they don't have big rivers on the ground here at all. They seem to be up in the sky instead. They fall on you when you go outside and make you very wet. I don't like that very much, but I suppose I'll get used to it.
I'm very handsome as you can see from the picture (so people say – Ed.). Also I have quite a lot of energy (quite?? - Ed.). Sometimes I gallop round and round the garden just for fun. And I love chasing birds - except I can't fly. Yet. And squirrels. They don't play fair though. They climb trees. I can't climb trees. Yet. But I don't chase the baby camels sheep. That's nononono.
I'm sure you understand that there are lots of things I still need to learn, like how to fly and climb trees. They've asked me to keep this diary so people will know I'm still here and not been sent away for chewing up the man's slippers (again – Ed). Another time I'll tell you the story of the terrible fight I had with my favourite blanket. And all about my new friends. I've made lots of those.
Love and high four paws,